Africa Briefcase

Africa briefcase is a service-orientated responsive web application, built using Node.js, Sails and AngularJS.


In this foundational project, we partnered with Revolution Works to build a distinctive publishing platform for insightful ideas and innovations that improve African life. The platform would aggregate the work of researchers, pioneers and writers across African society into beautiful collections called Briefcases, each containing a set of Briefs covering a wide range of topics.


After the production of meticulous wireframes and user stories, the project began with the production of an alpha application. Starting from this foundation, the team worked in fortnightly sprints, using agile principles until completion. Our processes ensured quality, timing and flexibility.


A beautiful and effective platform for publishing data-driven content to a global audience. Easy to use, robust and highly maintainable.

+44 7931 729 663

[email protected]

46 Regents Park Road, London, NW17SX